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Christ Calls Us to Wholeness

A Youth Bible Study Based on the Wholeness Wheel


In John 10:10, Jesus tells his followers, “I came that [you] might have life, and have it abundantly.” Living well is a personal journey that presents each of us with unique opportunities to steward all dimensions of our lives.

This study is meant to help you on that journey as you consider the ways God has created and blessed you. The Wholeness Wheel reminds us that as baptized believers, every aspect of our being belongs to God. When we pay attention to all aspects of our humanity — our bodies, our relationships, our money, our minds, our feelings, our work, our faith — we more fully experience that abundant life in Christ and radiate God’s love to others.

As you progress through this study, you are invited to reflect on these three questions. Notice how your understanding grows or changes from week to week:

  • What does abundant life look like for you?
  • Which dimensions of the Wholeness Wheel seem the most life-giving for you right now?
  • Which dimensions of the Wholeness Wheel do you feel might be calling for more of your attention?
How to Use This Study

This is a seven-week study designed to be used alone or with others.
Each week you’ll be guided through a separate module that focuses on a unique dimension of the Wholeness Wheel. Each module is presented in a consistent format:

  • Read: A brief passage or two from the Bible
  • Recap: Conversation around the text and its context
  • Reflect: Questions related to the session’s wellness topic
  • Plan: Brainstorming ways to grow in that dimension of well-being
  • Pray: Suggested prayer language for the week

Feel free to work through the dimensions of the Wholeness Wheel in any order you wish. It is, however, recommended that you start at the center, since as people of faith we are grounded in our identity as baptized believers. You may wish to use a study Bible for additional notes and context of the scripture text.

If you are age 13 or older, you can enter your thoughts, ideas, and reflections for each module through a personal journaling survey. Your personal journaling survey is confidential and will not be read or shared with anyone other than the email address you provide. To access the survey modules, click the Wholeness Wheel dimension you would like to start with from the list below. You will be prompted to email your responses at the end of each module, so you can complete them in any order you choose.

If you are age 12 or younger, or if you prefer to write out your reflections by hand on paper, download and print a copy of this Youth Wholeness Wheel Bible Study instead of using the online surveys.

Scripture is from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

“Christ Calls Us to Wholeness” is published by Portico Benefit Services, ©2024

About the Author: The Rev. Amanda Nesvold is a pastor who has served congregations in upstate New York, Wisconsin, and Maryland. She enjoys exploring outside-the-box ministry and learning new crafts and hobbies.

Portico plan members can find more information and resources about the Wholeness Wheel on myPortico.